Use cases: solutions from practice

At the beginning, there was only one server. It was nurtured and maintained with a lot of care. But that was a long time ago. Today, countless hosts in the data center need to be managed automatically. orcharhino automates your entire data center. In particular, orcharhino supports automated host deployment, configuration management and patch management. orcharhino thus becomes an all-round carefree package for your data center.

Application examples with orcharhino

Discover how orcharhino supports companies in the automation and optimization of their IT infrastructure –
from the provision of new systems to lifecycle management

Server Deployment

New systems are automatically configured and integrated during installation - without manual intervention, at the touch of a button.

Configuration management

orcharhino offers a central solution for configuration management to simplify processes and minimize errors.

Lifecycle management

Automated deployment, configuration management, release and patch management for efficient IT processes in the data center!

Operating systems

New systems are automatically configured and integrated during installation - without manual intervention, at the touch of a button.

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