With orcharhino, companies and organizations can provision, manage and configure systems and supply them with software packages and patches. orcharhino is manufacturer-independent and supports several configuration management tools and a wide range of hypervisors.
It doesn’t matter whether users work with bare-metal systems, virtual machines, cloud systems or a mixture of all three. In addition, orcharhino can also deploy and configure hosts with Microsoft Windows 10 Pro, Windows 11, Windows Server 2016 and Windows Server 2019.
orcharhino ยป About orcharhino ยป Use Cases ยป Linux Distributions
There are also orcharhino clients that connect the hosts to orcharhino.
orcharhino is one single interface for managing systems with different Linus distributions.
Enterprise Linux operating systems are offered with support options in the form of subscriptions at different severity levels. Subscriptions include support, updates, and patches for the corresponding running time. In addition, the software is certified by numerous hardware and application manufacturers.
The free Linux variants such as CentOS, on the other hand, are not certified or are only certified by a few manufacturers and support is usually only provided by the community, i.e. the development community.
If you have any questions about our products and services or any other
topics, please do not hesitate to contact us.
orcharhino is a product of the ATIX AG.
ATIX AG operates a quality management system certified according to ISO9001:2015 in the field of ‘development, support, consulting and training of software solutions’.
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E-mail: info@atix.de
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E-mail: karlsruhe@atix.de