Address and registered office: | ATIX Informationstechnologie und Consulting AG Parkring 15 |
Legal form: | Stock corporation (AG) |
Board of Directors: | Thomas Merz (Chief Executive Officer) Mark Hlawatschek |
Chairman of the Supervisory Board: | Christian Achatz |
Register Court: | Local Court Munich |
Register number: | HRB 168930 |
VAT Id. (27a Value Added Tax Act): | DE209485962 |
Phone: | Head office Munich: +49 89 4523538-0 |
Fax: | Head office Munich: +49 89 4523538-290 |
E-Mail: | |
Responsible for content according to § 10 paragraph 3 MDStV
(Address as above):Mark Hlawatschek
General terms and conditions
In the following you will find our terms of contract as PDF for download. If you have any questions about our conditions, please contact us: +49 89 4523538-0