orcharhino Architecture workshop

orcharhino is a complex tool with many plug-ins. Each of our customers has specific requirements and starting situations in their own infrastructure. This workshop is designed to meet these challenges and develop appropriate strategies.

Why an orcharhino architecture workshop?

In this workshop, our architects will focus on your specific infrastructure and requirements. They will develop a concept for implementation, preventing errors and reducing costs.

Orcharhino-Maskottchen mit Zeigestock

The workshop in detail

Rough concept for the orcharhino use case for customers (requirements, expectations, wishes)

Overview of organizational structure - which departments need to be involved?

How much know-how is already available - what can the company itself contribute?

Effort can be coordinated in advance, depending on previous knowledge

Ready to get started?
Start your
free trial today!

If you have any questions about our products and services or any other
topics, please do not hesitate to contact us.
