18. December 2023

Action Required for orcharhino version 6.4 and lower

This page is relevant for all orcharhino users running orcharhino version 6.4 and lower. Those on 6.5 and above do not have to take action.

Register your orcharhino Server on EL8 to orcharhino Customer Center (OCC) to receive packages after January 2024.

ATIX will turn off the ATIX Customer Center (ACC) on January 31, 2024. You must register your orcharhino Server to OCC to continue to receive package and operating system updates for orcharhino on EL8 starting February 2024.

Users running orcharhino version 6.4 and lower must perform manual steps before January 31, 2024. Please look at https://atixservice.zendesk.com/hc/de/articles/11706683983644 to see what actions are required for your scenario.

Our Recommendation

We highly recommend that you upgrade your orcharhino Server to 6.5 or newer and all your orcharhino Proxies to at least 6.5 before the shutdown of ACC. During the upgrade from 6.4 to 6.5, you will be automatically registered to OCC and will continue to receive security errata, orcharhino updates, and OS updates as before without any additional steps. You can make use of our orcharhino upgrade service as part of the  “orcharhino Maintenance Package” by ATIX Support.

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