The orcharhino Summit from the participants’ perspective

Maximilian from the developer team reports: My highlights of the orcharhino Summit were the two customer presentations by Frank (Benteler) and Martin Zimmermann (Fujitsu), who gave exciting and, above all, practical insights into the use of orcharhino. This was preceded by a  Presentation by Jan Bundesmann (Consultant at ATIX AG) on possible Use Cases. Frank Recker has […]

orcharhino is not affected by log4j Vulnerability

  orcharhino is not affected by log4j Vulnerability   Garching, December 15th, 2021 ATIX AG has confirmed that orcharhino 5.10 and the upcoming orcharhino 5.11 release are not affected by the log4j vulnerability.Neither orcharhino Server, orcharhino Proxy, nor any plugins provided by ATIX are affected by the remote code execution vulnerability. On December 9th 2021, […]

The Debian/Ubuntu Erratum Service from ATIX is now Open Source!

The improvement of Debian and Ubuntu support in orcharhino has long been one of the central concerns of the ATIX crew. The introduction of Debian/Ubuntu errata in orcharhino version 4.0.0 was an important milestone. To use this function, the Debian/Ubuntu Erratum Service provides regularly updated erratum lists.

ATIX supports “Save the Rhino”

  SAVE THE RHINO ATIX AG has been supporting the charity organization “Save The Rhino” (STR for short) for over four years. The UK-based conservation organization is committed to helping endangered rhinos around the world. STR fights illegal trade and supports numerous rangers who risk their lives every day to preserve nature. Apart from humans, […]

Important message for users running orcharhino 6.0 and 6.1

Dear orcharhino user, Today, ATIX provides package updates for 6.0.1 and 6.1.These new packages fix an issue when deleting composite content views.Deleting a composite content view no longer deletes any repositories it contains.Note that this issue only affects composite content views and repositories that have been migrated from orcharhino 5.12 to orcharhino 6.0. If you […]

Action Required for orcharhino version 6.4 and lower

This page is relevant for all orcharhino users running orcharhino version 6.4 and lower. Those on 6.5 and above do not have to take action. Register your orcharhino Server on EL8 to orcharhino Customer Center (OCC) to receive packages after January 2024. ATIX will turn off the ATIX Customer Center (ACC) on January 31, 2024. […]

orcharhino 5.2.0

Login Screen orcharhino

[av_one_full first min_height=” vertical_alignment=” space=” custom_margin=” margin=’0px’ padding=’0px’ border=” border_color=” radius=’0px’ background_color=” src=” background_position=’top left’ background_repeat=’no-repeat’ animation=” mobile_breaking=” mobile_display=”] [av_textblock size=” font_color=” color=” av-medium-font-size=” av-small-font-size=” av-mini-font-size=” admin_preview_bg=”] orcharhino 5.2.0 is here! [/av_textblock] [/av_one_full][av_heading tag=’h3′ padding=’10’ heading=’Release Notes’ color=’custom-color-heading’ style=” custom_font=’#439bd3′ size=” subheading_active=” subheading_size=’15’ custom_class=” admin_preview_bg=” av-desktop-hide=” av-medium-hide=” av-small-hide=” av-mini-hide=” av-medium-font-size-title=” av-small-font-size-title=” av-mini-font-size-title=” av-medium-font-size=” av-small-font-size=” av-mini-font-size=”][/av_heading] […]

orcharhino 5.5.0.

news orcharhino

[av_heading tag=’h3′ padding=’10’ heading=’Release Notes’ color=’custom-color-heading’ style=” custom_font=’#439bd3′ size=” subheading_active=” subheading_size=’15’ custom_class=” admin_preview_bg=” av-desktop-hide=” av-medium-hide=” av-small-hide=” av-mini-hide=” av-medium-font-size-title=” av-small-font-size-title=” av-mini-font-size-title=” av-medium-font-size=” av-small-font-size=” av-mini-font-size=” av_uid=’av-16g0nhc’][/av_heading] [av_textblock textblock_styling_align=” textblock_styling=” textblock_styling_gap=” textblock_styling_mobile=” size=” av-desktop-font-size=” av-medium-font-size=” av-small-font-size=” av-mini-font-size=” font_color=” color=” id=” custom_class=” template_class=” av_uid=’av-140a028′ sc_version=’1.0′ admin_preview_bg=”] orcharhino 5.5.0 is here! Key Features: Upgrade to Foreman 2.1.3 and Katello […]

orcharhino 6.0 BETA

news orcharhino

[av_heading tag=’h1′ padding=’10’ heading=’orcharhino 6.0 BETA Release Notes’ color=’custom-color-heading’ style=” custom_font=’#439bd3′ size=” subheading_active=” subheading_size=’15’ custom_class=” admin_preview_bg=” av-desktop-hide=” av-medium-hide=” av-small-hide=” av-mini-hide=” av-medium-font-size-title=” av-small-font-size-title=” av-mini-font-size-title=” av-medium-font-size=” av-small-font-size=” av-mini-font-size=”][/av_heading] [av_textblock size=” font_color=” color=” av-medium-font-size=” av-small-font-size=” av-mini-font-size=” admin_preview_bg=”] Features Component versions: orcharhino now uses Foreman 2.5, Katello 4.1, and Pulp3 Pulp3 solely relies on PostgreSQL. MongoDB can be removed […]

orcharhino 5.12.1

news orcharhino

[av_heading tag=’h1′ padding=’10’ heading=’orcharhino 5.12.1 Release Notes’ color=’custom-color-heading’ style=” custom_font=’#439bd3′ size=” subheading_active=” subheading_size=’15’ custom_class=” admin_preview_bg=” av-desktop-hide=” av-medium-hide=” av-small-hide=” av-mini-hide=” av-medium-font-size-title=” av-small-font-size-title=” av-mini-font-size-title=” av-medium-font-size=” av-small-font-size=” av-mini-font-size=”][/av_heading] [av_textblock size=” font_color=” color=” av-medium-font-size=” av-small-font-size=” av-mini-font-size=” admin_preview_bg=”] Features Apart from some smaller improvements orcharhino 5.12.1 provides additional preparations for the planned orcharhino 6.0 release. In preparation for the release […]
