19. December 2019

orcharhino 5.0.1

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orcha rhino 5.0.1 is here!

What’s new?

  • Update to foreman 1.22.2

  • Newer version of Foreman Ansible modules is now available.
  • Added Ansible modules usage guide to the website: https://docs..com/sources/usage_guides/fam_guide.html
  • Added a skip GUI option to the installer (Usage: –skip-gui, presumes a valid answers.yaml file is present).

  • For new installations, Puppet 6 is now used by default.


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Fixed Bugs:

  • Installer fails if non-ASCII characters are used
  • bootstrap_sles.sh script patches everything for SLES 11 systems
  • Sync-Plans: different timezones get mixed up


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