orcharhino 5.11. Release Notes


  • orcharhino Clients
    • We are now providing orcharhino clients for ARM64 for Ubuntu 20.04. For example, you can now attach and serve content to Raspberry Pi’s running Ubuntu 20.04.
    • We’ve added the `tracer` package for Oracle Linux 8 to ensure the hosts reports a required reboot back to orcharhino if a Kernel update has been installed.
    • On a multi-arch Debian or Ubuntu host, we’re now suppressing the warning that a repository only supports certain architectures. Set the supported architecture on the given repository on your orcharhino Server.
  • SCC Manager:
    • You can now pass a new parameter to the API function that returns the SCC products for an account. It will return only the subscribed products if you set the `subscribed_only` parameter to true. hammer scc_manager scc_accounts scc_products list --scc-account-id 1 --subscribed-only true
  • Salt:
    • New API endpoint for SaltStack users: You can now set Salt parameters for Host Groups. This has been possible with the GUI for a while, now it’s also possible via API.
  • Foreman ACD:
    • We’ve added a filter on the Hosts > All Hosts page to filter hosts using a specific ACD application instances.
  • orcharhino documentation
    • New content management guide for APT and YUM content.
      You can use orcharhino to serve content to hosts running Alma Linux, Amazon Linux, CentOS, Debian, Oracle Linux, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Rocky Linux, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, and Ubuntu. This guide helps you step-by-step to import content to orcharhino, version it according to your needs, and serve it to hosts. If you are using RHEL or SLES, you can import a Manifest file or connect to your SCC account to conveniently import content.
    • New OpenSCAP guide: The Managing Security Compliance chapter in the Administering orcharhino guide now bundles everything you need to know to keep your managed hosts compliant. This also includes installing the OpenSCAP plugin.
    • Extended application centric deployment (ACD) guide.
    • New procedure to switch SCC accounts in orcharhino.
    • New section to run REX jobs on orcharhino Server itself as part of our security guide.
    • We now recommend running orcharhino Server on hosts with at least 20GiB RAM to prevent synchronization failure with large repos like Debian main.
    • New detailed procedure for SLES client requirements in form of products from SCC Manager. This helps you provide the proper content when attaching hosts running SLES.
    • We’ve added a new warning about custom repositories to prevent version mismatches when installing and upgrading orcharhino. Everything you need to run orcharhino Server and orcharhino Proxy comes from ATIX’s ACC.
    • Extended glossary as your first entry point for all orcharhino terminology.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that prevented non-interactive subscription to orcharhino for Debian and Ubuntu Hosts due to missing `eject` package.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented tracer upload on Debian systems due to a package name mismatch.
  • Fixed a bug in `bootstrap.py` due to RPM binding returnring strings or (undecoded) bytes in some cases.
  • Added check to foreman-maintain to prevent a bug with `python2-qpid-proton`.
  • Fixed a bug in subscription-manager on Debian and Ubuntu to mitigate flooding logs with supported architecture.


orcharhino clients
orcharhino content management guide